My World - Nirai

This is a place where I wish to discuss my views, thoughts, criticisms, dreams etc..... on anything and everything around me. A fill the day with joy and enthusiasm :)

Monday, September 10, 2007

TRIBUTE for people who give their everything for us….

“Lt. Saurabh Kalia of 4 JAT Regiment of the Indian Army laid down his life at the young age of 22 for the nation while guarding the frontiers at Kargil. His parents, indeed the Indian Army and nation itself, lost a dedicated, honest and brave son.

He was the first officer to detect and inform about Pakistani intrusion. Pakistan captured him and his patrol party of 5 brave men alive on May 15, 1999 from the Indian side of LOC. They were kept in captivity for three weeks and subjected to unprecedented brutal torture, evident from their bodies handed over by Pakistan Army on June 9, 1999.”

They'd promised their families they'd come back soon. They more than kept their word. Went as mere men. Came back as heroes. In coffins.


Whenever we see /read/hear of a soldier, our hearts are filled with respect for their courage and sacrifice. My maximum help till now for another soul in this world is spending time with them, including them in my prayers or try to get them what they need. But what do our soldiers do…. They give up the small joys which matter the most – spending time with their parents, beloved wife, children, entertainment …. for what ? Honor for their country!!! Patriotism can make wonders isn’t it….?

I am surprised or should I say spellbound when parents are brave enough to send their beloved son whom they have brought up with so much dreams to the armed forces knowing that he may not return.

The below link has articles on some of the heroes of our Indian Army. You don’t have words to describe what you feel on reading about them – people who choose to give up food so as to carry more ammunition when they don’t know when they will get their next ration, Commanders who choose to go forward and die protecting their juniors, their fearlessness, their undying spirit when they know for sure they are going to be killed in a couple of minutes……

Why today suddenly a post like this? I don’t think we need a special day to honour our great soldiers!! We can do nothing but pay our tributes for all their valour and sacrifices!!

Jai Hind!!!

Jai Jawan!!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Changes in life :)

A lot is happening in my life that has kept me away from blogging for quite some time :) After a good stint of 5 years I am soon to leave my present Company Visteon in search of new lands… :) New place, new people, new experiences…. eagerly awaiting for the suspense to unfold :)

I joined as a fresher and it has been a long way since then. I will be leaving in a couple of weeks…. But still these memories would hold a special place in my heart :) First company is always special isn’t it :) the first time you take up responsibilities and handle problems. More than technical issues, I would say my learning in a greater part is in studying people. It is one of the most challenging ones. Fresh from college I continued the same innocent attitude and had a lot of experiences which transformed me into a more mature person :)

Equivalent to Visteon, Ispahani Centre the shopping/commercial complex which housed our company formerly also needs a special mention. Literally placed in the centre of the city it provided us with all amenities and entertainment in a hand’s reach. Be it food malls, snow bowling, boutiques, government offices (including IT office…IT means Income Tax :)), 10 minutes to Tnagar, 10 minutes to Marina Beach….Marrybrown and it’s famous veggie bugger, Ritu Kumar – we talk a lot about this…buying there….nah….it’s too cheap for us :), Sweetchariot and the celebrations we had there :) I spent most of my freetime with Vijay in Marrybrown and in the Ispahani stairs….. those were lovely days when we used to talk, fight, cry and laugh for hours together ...... We still continue to do in an abridged version managing with the time we have :)

V6kiddies – What is life without friends ….we are a set of freshers who joined together…. Now each one in a different place, going ahead in a different path but still always wishing for the best to happen in others lives :) It was Loga who first moved out of Visteon… ofcourse for a happy reason… her Marriage with Param :) We had a great farewell then :) the numbers started dwindling……soon maybe there will be no one here :) We are like a fresh bouquet of unique flowers :)

Change is the only constant thing in world …which makes life beautiful and interesting :) Let me wait and see what does this change add to my life :) :) :)